Friday, October 19

Remote Method invocation

1.      Networking has been concerned with two fundamental applications.
·         The first application is moving files and data between hosts, which is handled by FTP, SMTP (email), HTTP, NFS, and many other protocols.
·         The second application is allowing one host to run programs on another host.

2.      Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is an example of the second application for networking: running a program on a remote host from a local machine.
3.      RMI is a core Java API and class library that allows Java programs to call certain methods on a remote server.
4.      The methods running on the server can invoke methods in objects on the client.
5.      Return values and arguments can be passed back and forth in both directions.
6.      In essence, parts of a single program run in a Java virtual machine on a local client while other parts of the same program run on a Java virtual machine on a remote server.
7.      RMI creates the illusion that the distributed program is running on one system with one memory space holding all the code and data used on either side of the actual physical connection.

1.      The Remote Method Invocation API lets Java objects on different hosts communicate with each other.
2.      A remote object lives on a server.
3.      Each remote object implements a remote interface that specifies which of its methods can be invoked by clients.
4.      Clients invoke the methods of the remote object almost exactly as they invoke local methods.
Example an object running on a local client can pass a database query as a String argument to a method in a database object running on a remote server to ask it to sum up a series of records. The server can return the result to the client as a double.
This is more efficient than downloading all the records and summing them up locally.

Programmer's perspective
From the programmer's perspective, remote objects and methods work just like the local objects and methods you're accustomed to. All the implementation details are hidden.

  • Import one package.
  • Look up the remote object in a registry (which takes one line of code).
  • Make sure that you catch RemoteException when you call the object's methods.
  • From that point on, you can use the remote object almost as freely and easily as you use an object running on your own system.

Remote Object
  • is an object whose methods may be invoked from a different Java virtual machine than the one in which the object itself lives, generally one running on a different computer.
  • Each remote object implements one or more remote interfaces that declare which methods of the remote object can be invoked by the foreign system.

Object Serialization
a way to convert the object into a stream of bytes.
When an object is passed to or returned from a Java method, what's really transferred is a reference to the object. Passing objects between two machines thus raises some problems.
  • The remote machine can't read what's in the memory of the local machine.
  • A reference that's valid on one machine isn't meaningful on the other.
There are two ways around this problem.
  • A special remote reference to the object (a reference that points to the memory in the remote machine) can be passed,
  • or a copy of the object can be passed.

When the local machine passes a remote object to the remote machine, it passes a remote reference. The object has never really left the remote machine.
However, when the local machine passes one of its own objects to the remote machine, it makes a copy of the object and sends the copy. The copy moves from the local machine to the remote machine.

The RMI Layer Model

1.      To the programmer, the client appears to talk directly to the server.
2.      In reality, the client program talks only to a stub. The stub passes that conversation along to the remote reference layer, which talks to the transport layer.
3.      The transport layer on the client passes the data across the Internet to the transport layer on the server.
4.      The server's transport layer then communicates with the server's remote reference layer, which talks to a piece of server software called the skeleton.
5.      The skeleton communicates with the server itself.
6.      In the other direction (server-to-client), this flow is simply reversed.
7.      Logically, data flows horizontally (client-to-server and back), but the actual flow of data is vertical.
The registry is a program that runs on the server. It contains a list of all the remote objects that server is prepared to export and their names. A client connects to the registry and gives it the name of the remote object that it wants. Then the registry sends the client a reference to the object that it can use to invoke methods on the server.

The stub is a local object that implements the remote interfaces of the remote object; this means that the stub has methods matching the signatures of all the methods the remote object exports. In effect, the client thinks it is calling a method in the remote object, but it is really calling an equivalent method in the stub. Stubs are used in the client's virtual machine in place of the real objects and methods that live on the server. When the client invokes a method, the stub passes the invocation to the remote reference layer.

The skeleton reads the arguments and passes the data to the server program, which makes the actual method call. If the method call returns a value, that value is sent down through the skeleton, remote reference, and transport layers on the server side, across the Internet and then up through the transport, remote reference, and stub layers on the client side.

Remote Reference Layer
On client side, the remote reference layer translates the local reference to the stub into a remote reference to the object on the server. Then it passes the invocation to the transport layer. On server side, the remote reference layer converts the remote references sent by the client into references for the local virtual machine. Then it passes the request to the skeleton.

Transport Layer
The transport layer sends the invocation across the Internet.

The Server Side
1.      To create a new remote object, first define an interface that extends the
java.rmi.Remote interface.
2.      Subinterface of Remote determines which methods of the remote object may be
called by clients. A remote object may have many public methods, but only those
declared in a remote interface can be invoked remotely. The other public methods
may be invoked only from within the virtual machine where the object lives.
3.      Each method in your subinterface must declare that it throws RemoteException.
RemoteException is the superclass for most of the exceptions that can be thrown
when RMI is used. Many of these are related to the behavior of external systems and
networks and are thus beyond your control.

import java.rmi.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;

public interface Fibonacci extends Remote {
public BigInteger getFibonacci(int n) throws RemoteException;
public BigInteger getFibonacci(BigInteger n) throws RemoteException;

4.      The next step is to define a class that implements this remote interface. This class
should extend java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject, either directly or ndirectly
(i.e., by extending another class that extends UnicastRemoteObject):
public class UnicastRemoteObject extends RemoteServer

public class UnicastRemoteObject extends RemoteServer

5.      If extending UnicastRemoteObject isn't convenient—for instance, because you'd
like to extend some other class—then you can instead export your object as a remote
object by passing it to one of the static UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject( )

public static RemoteStub exportObject(Remote obj)throws RemoteException

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

public class FibonacciImpl implements Fibonacci {
public FibonacciImpl( ) throws RemoteException {
public BigInteger getFibonacci(int n) throws RemoteException {
public BigInteger getFibonacci(BigInteger n) throws RemoteException

}//End Class
Public class FibonacciServer

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {
FibonacciImpl f = new FibonacciImpl( );
Naming.rebind("fibonacci", f);
System.out.println("Fibonacci Server ready.");
catch (RemoteException re) {
System.out.println("Exception in FibonacciImpl.main: " + re);
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
System.out.println("MalformedURLException " + e);
Although the main( ) method finishes fairly quickly here, the server will continue to
run because a nondaemon thread is spawned when the FibonacciImpl( ) exports the
FibonacciImpl object.

Client Side
import java.rmi.*;

public class FibonacciClient {
public static void main(String args[]) {

try {
Object o = Naming.lookup(“rmi://localhost:12/Fibonacci”);
Fibonacci calculator = (Fibonacci) o;

try {
BigInteger f = calculator.getFibonacci(1000);


}catch (RemoteException e) {
System.err.println("Remote object threw exception " + e);
catch (NotBoundException e) {
"Could not find the requested remote object on the server");

Compiling the Stubs
rmic FibonacciImpl
copy the Fibonacci.class and FibonacciImpl_Stub.class files to both the directory on the remote server from which the Fibonacci object will be run and the directory on the local client where the Fibonacci object will be invoked.

Starting the Server
1.      Start the registry first.
C:> start rmiregistry
The registry runs in the background. The registry tries to listen to port 1,099 by default.
2.      Run the Server
Running the Client
1.      Make sure that the client system has FibonacciClient.class, Fibonacci.class, and FibonacciImpl_Stub.class in its class path.
2.      Run the Client

Server can call back methods of clients

The RMI specification says "A method dispatched by the RMI runtime to a remote object implementation may or may not execute in a separate thread. The RMI runtime makes no guarantees with respect to mapping remote object invocations to threads. Since remote method invocation on the same remote object may execute concurrently, a remote object implementation needs to make sure its implementation is threadsafe."
In other words, the RMI implementation is free to dispatch an incoming RMI call on any thread. It may dispatch them all consecutively to the same thread; concurrently to many threads; or any other way it likes. There is no implication that there is—or is not—one specific dispatch thread per exported object. There is no guarantee about mapping clients, or client threads, to server threads. There are no guarantees and you can make no assumptions. Your implementations of remote methods must be threadsafe. It is up to you.

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