Thursday, December 6


1.      Threads are subtasks in a program that can be in execution concurrently.
2.      The concurrency that computers perform today is normally implemented as operating system primitives” available only to highly experienced “systems programmers.”
3.      Java makes concurrency primitives available to the programmer.
4.      Subclass the Thread class and override its run( ) method.
5.      implement the Runnable interface and pass the Runnable object to the Thread constructor. Runnable has one method run().
6.      Signature of function: public void run( )
7.      run method may invoke other methods; it may construct other objects; it may even spawn other threads. The thread starts here and it stops here. When the run( ) method completes, the thread dies.
8.      the run( ) method is to a thread what the main( )method is to a traditional nonthreaded program.
9.      A single-threaded program exits when the main( ) method returns.
10.  A multithreaded program exits when both the main( ) method and the run( ) methods of all nondaemon threads return. (Daemon threads perform background tasks such as garbage collection and don't prevent the virtual machine from exiting.)
11.  Extending Thread Class
class A extends Thread
public static void main (String[] args)
Thread t = new A();
t.start( );
public void run()

12.  Implementing Runnable:

class A implements Runnable
public static void main (String[] args)
A a = new A();
Thread t = new Thread(a);
t.start( );
public void run()

13.  Passing Information to Thread.
14.  Returning Information from Thread.
15.  Avoid Race Condition.
16.  A thread specified as daemon will cease execution when the thread that created it ends. Syntax: threadName.setDaemon(true);
17.  A thread that is not daemon is called a user thread.
18.  Synchronized methods
public synchronized void writeEntry(String message)
19.  Every object that has synchronized methods has a monitor. The monitor lets only one thread at a time execute a synchronized method on the object.
20.  Only one synchronized instance method for an object can execute at any given time. Only one synchronized static method for a class can execute at one time.

21.  Synchronized Blocks
A code block can be declared as a synchronized on an object. Only one synchronized code block for an object can execute at any given time.
synchronized (System.out)
System.out.print(input + ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++)
System.out.print(digest[i] + " ");
System.out.println( );
22.  Thread Scheduling
  • All important threads get at least some time to run and that the more important threads get more time.
  • Threads should execute in a reasonable order.(e.g. not in series)
  • Thread should not suffer through starvation.
23.  Thread Priority
  • Priority is specified as an integer ranging from 1(lowest) to 10(highest).
  • When multiple threads are able to run, generally the VM will run only the highest-priority thread,
  • public final void setPriority(int newPriority)
  • public final int getPriority( )

24.  Suspension of Thread
There are 10 ways a thread can pause in favor of other threads or indicate that it is ready to pause. These are:
  • It can block on I/O.
  • It can block on a synchronized object.
A thread can wait on an object it has locked. While waiting, it releases the lock on the object and pauses until it is notified by some other thread. Another thread changes the object in some way, notifies the thread waiting on that object, and then continues.
  • It can yield.
  • It can go to sleep.
A thread that goes to sleep does hold onto all the locks it's grabbed. Consequently, other threads that need the same locks will be blocked even if the CPU is available.

  • It can join another thread.
  • It can wait on an object.
  • It can finish.
There's a nontrivial amount of overhead for the virtual machine in setting up and tearing down threads.
  • It can be preempted by a higher-priority thread.
  • It can be suspended.
It can stop.

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